
The Car Picnic

The Car Picnic 0

We couldn’t decide where to go for dinner this evening.  The girls wanted to go out, but Eva is still a little sick from her shots on Tuesday.  We loaded up the car anyway and decided to see if we could make it work out.  Unfortunately, as soon as she was in the car seat, she was crying full blast.  We decided to go through the drive-thru and just sit in the car instead of trying to go inside a restaurant and eat.  Gabriella and Olivia got Eva calmed down and played with her between bites and it ended up being kinda fun.  It was almost like we were on a road trip or out of town somewhere.

Testing Out Sister’s Swim Goggles

Testing Out Sister’s Swim Goggles 0

Not really so much testing them out, as having them tested out on her, by her sister Gabriella.  Pretty sure Little Eva wasn’t too happy about having to model swim goggles.  They sure looked adorably hilarious on her though!

Movie Night

Movie Night 0

We had family movie tonight.  The big girls choose The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out Of Water.  It was actually not too bad (the parts that I was awake for, at least)  Eva had fun rolling around between her sisters.  She and mama took a few breaks for feedings and laundry.




Our Father’s Day Dinner

Our Father’s Day Dinner 0

Tomorrow is Father’s Day and we’ll be going to Owasso for a cookout to celebrate with Papa and Uncle Greg.  So tonight, mama made us one of daddy’s favorite meals, chicken and rice.  It was delicious and even though Eva couldn’t eat with us, she had fun sitting at (on) the table with us during dinner.


Gabriella’s Art Show

Gabriella’s Art Show 0

Gabriella has been at Art Camp at Philbrook all week with her friend Kyra.  Today is their last day and they had an art show to display all the work they’ve done all week.  So mama, daddy and Eva all got to go and see it.  After the art show, we let Gabriella pick where she wanted to have lunch.  She choose Senor Tequila.  During lunch Eva was so hilarious, she sat up in the middle of her car seat, which was in a high chair stand, and just looked around the room and checked everything and everybody out.



Eva The Ninja

Eva The Ninja 0

Gabriella put her bandanna on Eva tonight, while they were playing in Mama and Dada’s room.  Usually when she has anything on her head, a bow, a headband, a hat, her first instinct is to try and get it off as quickly as possible.  I think because we were all laughing and telling her how cute she looked, she was just hamming it up instead.  She was loving the attention.

Spencer & Daddy Go To Work

Spencer & Daddy Go To Work 0

It’s Monday and Gabriella and Olivia both started summer camps today.  Gabriella is going to art camp at Philbrook.  Olivia is going to TU soccer camp.  Daddy had to work a little bit, even though Spencer was here visiting.  Spencer had to get some work in too, so we went to the office and left Eva at home with mama.  After Spencer and daddy picked up Gabriella, we headed home before going to dinner.   Eva sure was happy to see her sisters.  She’s really gotten used to them being at home all day and missed them all day today.

Spencer & Elmer’s

Spencer & Elmer’s 0

Daddy’s long-time friend Spencer came into town last night to stay with us for a few days and the girls got back from Noni and Papa’s house.  So we decided to go run around and grab some lunch.  One of Spencer’s must-eat spots was Elmer’s BBQ, so we headed there first.  Eva was so good during lunch and had fun driving around town.  After we got back to the house it was already time for dinner.  We decided to make pizzas.  We let Spencer take the lead on how to make them and headed to Whole Foods for some pre-made dough and toppings.  We got back, divided the dough balls in halves and pre-baked them in the over for 5 minutes, before topping them and tossing them on the grill for the final cookdown.  They were delicious!


Walking With Sisters

Walking With Sisters 0

After dinner tonight, Gabriella, Olivia and daddy took Eva on a walk around the neighborhood.  It’s been tough to try and work them in, because it’s been so hot.
